Even though walking is one of the most underappreciated exercises, it targets every part of our body from head to toe. One should be aware that walking can tighten the skin, aid in weight loss, improve blood circulation, boost energy levels, and lower the risk of developing a number of chronic conditions, all of which can help to stay youthful.
Here are the top 5 ways to walk to slow down ageing:
1. Alternate the speed
To make the most of your walking, keep switching between moderate and vigorous paces. The body will be put to the test, the heart rate will rise, and it will burn more calories when walked in this way. Start with adding 20 seconds of high pace in between the regular walking pace and gradually increase the duration. Keep listening to the body and slow down when the body asks to.
2. Carry light hand weights and/or wear ankle weights
A workout that is not challenging enough, is not even worth doing. Walking is already an easy task for most people. Therefore, step up the game and incorporate some difficult features to reap the most rewards. Switching to a power walk, which involves walking while carrying small weights or wearing ankle weights, is an excellent approach to do this.
3. Always use stairs
The benefits of walking can also be derived to some extent by monitoring our walks during the day, such as at work or while shopping at the mall. One helpful tip is to take the stairs whenever possible instead of using any escalators or elevators. Also parking the car far away will give a chance to walk more while doing the daily chores simultaneously.
4. Take more than one walk
Try to incorporate at least two walks per day. Your absolute minimum to slow down ageing should be 30 minutes. Add two 10-minute light walks, one before lunch and one in the morning. A light walk after eating can decrease the body’s insulin and blood sugar levels.
5. Take your dog for a walk
Simply take your dog for enjoyable walks in the park every day without having to make any special plans. They will enjoy the free space and the physical activity. You can also take a break to play fetch or stretch out. There are great chances that your dog will make you run here and there, increasing your heart rate and improving your mood.
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